We explore constructing diagrams by algorithm that capture a structure similar to Marc's hand-crafted dot.
We identify bodies and the decisions they make by introducing links in paragraphs prefixed with these words.
Bodies Individual, Family, Neighborhood
DOT digraph rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=rounded] subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {Individual -> Family -> Neighborhood [label="within"]} } WHERE /^Bodies/ LINKS HERE WHERE /^Decisions/ LINKS HERE -> NODE STATIC digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=rounded] subgraph cluster0 {label = "VSM Levels"; node [style=filled, color=aquamarine]; style=filled; color=lightgrey; {Individual -> Family -> Neighborhood [label="within"]} } "Individual" -> "Online" "Individual" -> "Social" "Individual" -> "Kinetic" "Individual" -> "Noise" "Individual" -> "Drugs" "Individual" -> "Mobility" "Individual" -> "Educational Attainment" "Individual" -> "Curosity" "Individual" -> "Individual Polution" "Individual" -> "Parks Trails Paths" "Individual" -> "Safe Sex" "Individual" -> "Food" "Family" -> "Online" "Family" -> "Social" "Family" -> "Kinetic" "Family" -> "Noise" "Family" -> "Drugs" "Family" -> "Food" "Family" -> "Mother Health Role" "Family" -> "Home Economics" "Family" -> "Household Gardens" "Family" -> "Household Pollution" "Family" -> "Household Security" "Family" -> "Parks Trails Paths" "Neighborhood" -> "Online" "Neighborhood" -> "Social" "Neighborhood" -> "Kinetic" "Neighborhood" -> "Noise" "Neighborhood" -> "Drugs" "Neighborhood" -> "Food" "Neighborhood" -> "Home Economics" "Neighborhood" -> "Household Pollution" "Neighborhood" -> "Household Security" "Neighborhood" -> "Parks Trails Paths"}
We could discover the relationships between bodies but had trouble assembling them into the cluster.
We would like to be able to discover the link color from the body pages.