Brain Scans

The desktop version of "The Brain" will export nodes and edges in two files, mostly jsonl format. We import both and then select a portion for the super collaborator. graphviz


# Format

Sample Node and variable fields.

Name:"H. HOUSING", ActivatinDateTime:"2020-05-24T04:59:06.219627", ACType:0, TagIds:[], Kind:1, BackgroundColor:-65281, ThoughtIconInfo:"1::0:False:False:0:", CreationDateTime:"2018-07-23T13:42:00.065659", ModificationDateTime:"2019-12-28T02:34:38.865491", SyncSentId:"124d5349-db0d-4a09-b47d-ee4728c7dea9", BrainId:"e4a03ebc-ae8b-4dc0-a345-e1b35623fe8", Id":"04732fb0-1838-416a-bf68-a7c2384c3107"

Kind 1 5 303 1 BackgroundColor 14 -65281 290 null ThoughtIconInfo 1 "0::0:False:False:0:" 1 "1::0:True:False:0:" 1 "6::2:True:False:0:" 1 "7::3:True:False:0:" 2 "" 50 "1::0:False:False:0:" 248 ""

Sample Edge and variable fields.

ThoughtIdA:"2ea0ab90-80e0-4f55-a252-18dc66c48586", ThoughtIdB:"9ddfba3e-dbd4-46d8-a7aa-5b3f7a9f5fec", Kind:1, Relation:1, Direction:-1, Meaning:1, Thickness:-1, CreationDateTime:"2019-09-04T16:42:24.490929", ModificationDateTime:"2019-09-04T16:42:24.49093", SyncSentId:"124d5349-db0d-4a09-b47d-ee4728c7dea9", BrainId:"e4a03ebc-ae8b-4dc0-a345-e1b356523fe8", Id:"00d9fd37-34f1-4d56-bbee-95be78a29858"

Relation 274 3 1745 1 Direction 3 5 3 7 2013 -1 Meaning 11 6 2008 1

# Sampling

Patterns are numbered, Thoughts labeled. We select for inclusion mot Thoughts and 15% of the Patterns.

Edges are labeled type 1 and type 3. Unsure what this means. Study the available graphs for insight.

Thought:49, Pattern:58, n1:147, n3:61 Thought:50, Pattern:31, n1:128, n3:41 Thought:49, Pattern:40, n1:93, n3:43 Thought:49, Pattern:42, n1:111, n3:46 Thought:50, Pattern:40, n1:139, n3:44 Thought:50, Pattern:37, n1:144, n3:43 Thought:49, Pattern:43, n1:112, n3:45

# Filtering

A better approach than sampling would be to create separate files for each organizational category and their dependents.

Five categories used for organization.

This approach might motivate improvements in our cypher search implementation: regex matches and iterated path expressions.

- Find category roots labeled *-digit. - Enumerate forward through Thoughts. - Enumerate forward through Patterns to a depth N. - Save each category as a separate file.

The desktop version of "The Brain" will export nodes and edges in two files, mostly jsonl format. We import both and then select a portion for the super collaborator. graphviz

Paul's work here is extraordinary. Start with SupraAggregates or try search.