Brain Schema Translation

We've read and surveyed files from the Brain app exports. Here we translat numeric type and kind info into words that lead towards a more meaningful schema. github

This is what we see for schema when we substitute words for numbers with no further interpretation.

digraph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=palegreen] "One" -> "One" [label="First"] "Four" -> "Four" [label="First"] "Two" -> "One" [label="First"] "Two" -> "Two" [label="First"] "Two" -> "Two" [label="Third"] "Four" -> "One" [label="First"] "Four" -> "Two" [label="First"] "Five" -> "Two" [label="First"] "Five" -> "Four" [label="First"] "One" -> "Two" [label="First"] "One" -> "Four" [label="First"] "Five" -> "One" [label="First"] "One" -> "One" [label="Third"] "One" -> "Two" [label="Third"] "Four" -> "Four" [label="Third"] "Four" -> "Two" [label="Third"] "Two" -> "One" [label="Third"] "Four" -> "One" [label="Third"]}

We construct a diagram from the first thirty relations encountered.

strict digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=palegreen] 178 [label="One Columbia Valley Sub-Areas" tooltip="name: Columbia Valley Sub-Areas"] 276 [label="One Division 6" tooltip="name: Division 6"] 469 [label="One Friends of the North Fork Library" tooltip="name: Friends of the North Fork Library"] 46 [label="One Mauren" tooltip="name: Mauren"] 125 [label="One Columbia Valley Community" tooltip="name: Columbia Valley Community info: C"] 130 [label="One Whatcom County Fire District 14" tooltip="name: Whatcom County Fire District 14 info:"] 338 [label="Four Institutional Tags" tooltip="name: Institutional Tags"] 498 [label="Four Private" tooltip="name: Private"] 359 [label="Two Government Networks" tooltip="name: Government Networks"] 281 [label="One Whatcom County Health Department" tooltip="name: Whatcom County Health Department info:"] 393 [label="Two Local Associations" tooltip="name: Local Associations"] 143 [label="One Mt Baker Coalition" tooltip="name: Mt Baker Coalition"] 368 [label="One Community Meals" tooltip="name: Community Meals"] 461 [label="One Rebecca B" tooltip="name: Rebecca B"] 499 [label="One PTA" tooltip="name: PTA info:"] 360 [label="One Septic inspections" tooltip="name: Septic inspections info:"] 232 [label="One Ronda B" tooltip="name: Ronda B"] 174 [label="Two Institutions" tooltip="name: Institutions"] 209 [label="One Carl M" tooltip="name: Carl M"] 366 [label="One Columbia Valley Watch" tooltip="name: Columbia Valley Watch info:"] 72 [label="One Abby" tooltip="name: Abby"] 14 [label="One Toby" tooltip="name: Toby"] 252 [label="Two VSM METASYSTEM FUNCTIONS" tooltip="name: VSM METASYSTEM FUNCTIONS"] 99 [label="Two SYSTEM 1–OPERATIONS" tooltip="name: SYSTEM 1–OPERATIONS"] 235 [label="One East Whatcom Community Council" tooltip="name: East Whatcom Community Council"] 223 [label="One Richard W" tooltip="name: Richard W"] 89 [label="Four CORONA VIRUS RELEVANT" tooltip="name: CORONA VIRUS RELEVANT"] 325 [label="One Education System" tooltip="name: Education System"] 544 [label="One DVSAS" tooltip="name: DVSAS info:"] 34 [label="Four Carl's Connections" tooltip="name: Carl's Connections"] 299 [label="One CE Fellows" tooltip="name: CE Fellows info:"] 158 [label="One MBF Upstream Committee" tooltip="name: MBF Upstream Committee"] 386 [label="One Ione A" tooltip="name: Ione A"] 431 [label="One Debbie A" tooltip="name: Debbie A"] 297 [label="One Communication Hub Board" tooltip="name: Communication Hub Board"] 479 [label="One Matthew T" tooltip="name: Matthew T"] 314 [label="Four .04 County" tooltip="name: .04 County"] 453 [label="One Data & Information Management" tooltip="name: Data & Information Management"] 512 [label="One Aly Robenson" tooltip="name: Aly Robenson"] 70 [label="One Alexa" tooltip="name: Alexa"] 473 [label="One Social services" tooltip="name: Social services"] 470 [label="One Outside Ownership" tooltip="name: Outside Ownership"] 216 [label="One Other Resources" tooltip="name: Other Resources"] 370 [label="One Peaceful Valley Country Club" tooltip="name: Peaceful Valley Country Club"] 224 [label="One Non-Local Businesses" tooltip="name: Non-Local Businesses"] 412 [label="One Crossroads" tooltip="name: Crossroads"] 321 [label="One SOCIAL" tooltip="name: SOCIAL"] 376 [label="One Quarterly Chipping Event" tooltip="name: Quarterly Chipping Event"] 178 -> 276 [label="First"] 469 -> 46 [label="First"] 125 -> 130 [label="First"] 338 -> 498 [label="First"] 359 -> 281 [label="First"] 393 -> 143 [label="First"] 368 -> 461 [label="First"] 125 -> 499 [label="First"] 360 -> 232 [label="First"] 174 -> 393 [label="First"] 499 -> 209 [label="First"] 366 -> 72 [label="First"] 469 -> 14 [label="First"] 252 -> 99 [label="Third"] 235 -> 223 [label="First"] 89 -> 325 [label="First"] 174 -> 544 [label="First"] 34 -> 299 [label="First"] 158 -> 386 [label="First"] 158 -> 431 [label="First"] 34 -> 297 [label="First"] 297 -> 479 [label="First"] 314 -> 453 [label="First"] 143 -> 512 [label="First"] 469 -> 70 [label="First"] 89 -> 473 [label="First"] 174 -> 470 [label="First"] 216 -> 370 [label="First"] 224 -> 412 [label="First"] 321 -> 376 [label="First"]}