Count Mock Elements

We've relocated raw data to wiki and added a script to count records. github

The programs and teams are nested within the source-code-control objects. Names and emails provide foreign keys from which relations can be inferred.

digraph { // rankdir=LR node [ shape=box style=filled fillcolor=palegreen ] dd [label="dataflow\ndiagram\n. . .\ntype\nstore\nfrom\nto"] oc [label="organization\nchart\n. . .\nname\nemail\nmanager\nstart"] str [label="service\ntraffic\nreports\n. . .\nname\nload\nping"] scc [label="source\ncode\ncontrol\n. . .\nproject\nmanager\n*programs"] p [label="program\n. . .\nname\ndescription\nteam"] t [label="team\n. . .\n*email"] oc -> oc scc -> oc scc -> p -> t -> oc dd -> p str -> p }

Team members contribute to multiple projects. Programs are deployed to staging and production. HEIGHT 250