Daily Haiku Graph

I have discovered some deep wisdom in the tetrahedron of relations Marc Pierson suggests as fundamental to any community action. I will, for at least a week, compose a graph within this schema so that I might absorb its wisdom in the organization of my own thoughts.

We begin with a diagram, a schema, for a community organized for action. arrows



# Poetry

From our plea for participation we discover haiku.

Tell us about People, the Ideals they hold, the Orgs they serve and the Actions thus facilitated. Example: You value Books so you support your Library that Lends books to Everybody. Look at this triangle that surrounds people and see if you can tell how this observation fits in.

Once you see how this works choose below where you will start you tour of connections. There is room to describe details but for this practice we are only using names of each thing leaving the rest to mystery.

http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/assets/pages/mock-graph-data/creator.html HEIGHT 200

Whenever you want you can click preview to see your graph so far. When you are done, click download. Then drag the downloaded file to the Federated Wiki channel or in your own fork of this page.


# Dance

We perform a dance of collective action by selecting and merging individual Haiku into a story of surprise relations.

http://ward.dojo.fed.wiki/assets/pages/mock-graph-data/composite.html HEIGHT 200

We may see missed opportunity in the performance but will allow ourselves small revisions so that our intentions play well together.

digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] rankdir=TB 0 6 10 6 16 19 node [fillcolor=lightgreen] 0 [label="Ideal Beauty" ] 1 [label="Action Refactoring" ] 2 [label="Org WyCash" ] 3 [label="Person Ward" ] 4 [label="Action Mutation" penwidth=3] 5 [label="Org Diagram" ] 6 [label="Action Adjustment" ] 7 [label="Ideal Constraint" penwidth=3] 8 [label="Action Solution" ] 9 [label="Person Explorer" ] 10 [label="Org Life" ] 11 [label="Action Hunts" ] 12 [label="Ideal Eat" ] 13 [label="Org Gut" ] 14 [label="Action Digest" ] 15 [label="Ideal Growth" ] 16 [label="Action Sleep" penwidth=3] 17 [label="Ideal Safety" ] 18 [label="Person Modeler" ] 19 [label="Ideal Insight" ] 20 [label="Org Revision" penwidth=3] 21 [label="Person Community" ] 22 [label="Ideal Morning" ] 23 [label="Action Panic" ] 24 [label="Person Spouse" ] 25 [label="Org Trash" penwidth=3] 26 [label="Action Pickup" ] 27 [label="Ideal Recycling" ] 28 [label="Person " ] 29 [label="Ideal " ] 30 [label="Org Deno" ] 31 [label="Action Deploy" ] 32 [label="Ideal Edge" penwidth=3] 33 [label="Person Coder" ] 34 [label="Org Github" ] 35 [label="Action Merge" ] 36 [label="Person Owner" ] 37 [label="Ideal Persistance" ] 38 [label="Person Thompson" ] 39 [label="Action Model" ] 40 [label="Ideal Sapience" penwidth=3] 41 [label="Org Framework" ] 1->0 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="beauty.graph.json"] 2->1 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="beauty.graph.json"] 3->2 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="beauty.graph.json"] 3->4 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="beauty.graph.json"] 3->0 [label="Holds" labeltooltip="beauty.graph.json"] 5->6 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="diagram.graph.json"] 6->7 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="diagram.graph.json"] 8->7 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="diagram.graph.json"] 9->8 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="diagram.graph.json"] 9->6 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="diagram.graph.json"] 10->11 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 11->12 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 12->13 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 13->14 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 14->15 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 13->16 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 16->17 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 17->10 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 18->6 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 6->19 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 19->20 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 21->20 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 16->22 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="morning.graph.json"] 23->22 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="morning.graph.json"] 24->23 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="morning.graph.json"] 24->25 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="morning.graph.json"] 25->26 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="morning.graph.json"] 26->27 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="morning.graph.json"] 28->29 [label="Holds" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 30->31 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 31->32 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 33->32 [label="Holds" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 33->34 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 34->35 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 36->35 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 36->37 [label="Holds" labeltooltip="thing.graph.json"] 38->39 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="thompson.graph.json"] 39->40 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="thompson.graph.json"] 40->41 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="thompson.graph.json"] 39->19 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="thompson.graph.json"] }