Daily Photos Site

More than once I have set out to take a photo every day. This year, inspired by my son, I am at it again. I made a site for this as a subdomain of this dojo catalog because it explores evolving wiki practice. >> photo subdomain

My son has both the talent and the interest in photography to be very good. He set out to practice with a photo a day for the year 2023. I am jealous. site

We're proud of the information architecture that has emerged in the first few months.

digraph {rankdir=TB node [style=filled penwidth=2 fontname="Helvetica-bold"] node [fillcolor=white] {page week image} node [fillcolor=lightgray] {from tags photos "graph"} node [fillcolor=gold] welcome -> challenge aggregations -> frequent -> {tags "graph"} aggregations -> details -> {page week} -> image aggregations -> located -> photos aggregations -> rotator -> week aggregations -> challenge -> {week aggregations} aggregations -> perspective -> perspective week -> region -> from -> image region -> image node [fillcolor = lightblue] welcome -> ward ward -> fruits ward -> automation fruits -> challenge fruits -> chronological fruits -> rotator fruits -> artistic fruits -> explore chronological -> template chronological -> rotator chronological -> frequent automation -> prope automation -> survey automation -> frequent automation -> cat automation -> prompt -> {cat week} }

Gold — The primary path for viewing.

Blue — The how and why of what we've done.

White — The things we collect as primary data.

Gray — Generated "ghost" pages that help us navigate.