Explore Text in SVG

I'm impressed with the work Marc and Eric have done in the exploration as to how we can find and format node and arc labels as wiki links. Here I try my hand at letting wiki carry more weight in this investigation.

The top grey box is a Asset Plugin. Drag any file onto it to upload the file to this asset plug in.

Marc has a big collection of SVGs. Can we find a more general-purpose way to enrich them with wiki's internal links?


Mermaid => Saved somehow, we are not sure. => svg

Omnigraffle => Maybe exported, but how? => svg



We code this as Eric did but with inputs retrieved from the page as is our habit.

import * as frame from "http://code.fed.wiki/assets/v1/frame.js" import * as index from "http://code.fed.wiki/assets/v1/index.js"

const context = await frame.context() const folds = index.folds(context.page.story) const samples = folds.samples.map(item => item.text)

const buttons = samples .map(sample => { const [what,how,link] = sample.split(/ => /) return ` <p><button data-text="${sample}"> ${what}</button> ${how}</p>`}) .join("\n")+`<div id=diagram></div>`

Each button invokes the explore logic to craft a page and this is then opened as a ghost.

export async function bind(el) { el.innerHTML = buttons el.addEventListener('click',async event => { const button = event.target const title = `Exploring ${button.innerText}` let text = button.dataset.text const story = await explore(text) frame.open({title,story},event.shiftKey) }) }

async function explore(sample) { const [what,how,link] = sample.split(/ => /) const [_,url,word] = link.split(/[\[ \]]/) const el = document.querySelector('#diagram') el.innerHTML = await fetch(url) .then(res => res.text()) const svg = el.querySelector('svg') rescale(svg) const text = svg.outerHTML const from = `See ${context.title}` const nodes = [...selectTextNodes(svg)] .filter(node => node[0].match(/\S/)) .filter(node => node[1].nodeName != 'style') .map(node => `${node[1].nodeName}: ${node[0]}`) svg.outerHTML = '' return [ {type:'paragraph',text:`${how} ${link}`}, {type:'paragraph',text:from}, {type:'html',text}, {type:'markdown',text:nodes.join("\n")} ] }

Here is the heavy lifting we have taken unchanged from Eric's example.

function rescale (svg) { let {x,y,width,height} = svg.getBBox() svg.setAttribute('viewBox', `${x} ${y} ${width} ${height}`) svg.removeAttribute("width") svg.removeAttribute("height") svg.style.width="100%" return svg }

function* selectTextNodes(el) { if (el.nodeType != Element.ELEMENT_NODE) return for (let item of el.childNodes) { if (item.nodeType == Element.ELEMENT_NODE) { yield* selectTextNodes(item) } else { yield [item.textContent, el] } } }