For Finding the Why


There was this moment when I realized that the heavy work of raising a family and building a business career was, for the most part, over – my kids were launched into their own lives and I had learned much from running different companies. I began to ask myself if I was to make a larger dent, what [[Audacious Aspiration]] could I courageously walk into that would challenge my very being?


There was this moment when I realized that the heavy work raising a family and building a business career was, for the most part, over – my kids were launched into their own lives and I had learned much from running different companies. I began to ask myself, if I was to make a larger dent, what Audacious Aspiration could I courageously walk into that would challenge my very being.

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raising a family and building a business career was, for the most part, over – my kids were launched into their own lives and I had learned much from running different companies. I began to ask myself, if I was to make a larger dent, what Audacious Aspiration could I courageously walk into that would challenge my very being.

of raising a family and building a business career was, for the most part, over – my kids were launched into their own lives and I had learned much from running different companies. I began to ask myself if I was to make a larger dent, what [[Audacious Aspiration]] could I courageously walk into that would challenge my very being?


There was this moment when I realized that the heavy work of raising a family and building a business career was, for the most part, over – my kids were launched into their own lives and I had learned much from running different companies. I began to ask myself if I was to make a larger dent, what Audacious Aspiration could I courageously walk into that would challenge my very being? HEIGHT 10


<span class="c1">There was this moment when I realized that the heavy work of raising a family and building a business career was, for the most part, over – my kids were launched into their own lives and I had learned much from running different companies. I began to ask myself if I was to make a larger dent, what Audacious Aspiration could I courageously walk into that would challenge my very being?</span>
