For Verbs, Not Nouns

edit 2/4/2022, 5:28:47 PM


He called this unformed realm the 'implicate order', one filled with an energy potential far greater that the formed reality of the physical world we can see and sense, that which he called the 'explicate order'.

53 => 52

one filled with an energy potential far greater that

one filled with an energy potential far greater than


He called this unformed realm the 'implicate order', one filled with an energy potential far greater than the formed reality of the physical world we can see and sense, that which he called the 'explicate order'.


<span class="c1">He called this unformed realm the 'implicate order', one filled with an energy potential far greater than the formed reality of the physical world we can see and sense, that which he called the 'explicate order'.</span>
