Garden Grooming Notes

A collection of notes from script development.

6 March

Starting into the garden we need to have a list of the pages that are part of the story, so we don't include them in the garden.

Adding extra data page items, for later use, is concerning. `start-garden` script using the data plugin, within the stories pagefold, is a start at using data plugin items rather than overly charmed paragraphs.

The story summary is updated to have the number of selected garden entry points, rather the number of links from the story's page synopsis.

Currently pages are matched on titles, and are case sensitive. Can led to duplicated.

7 March

The Start Garden script just gives a list of titles for the next step, in the 'more' pagefold, without any page context information. Think this needs to be more like story telling, to give context to both the user and script in the next step into the garden.

19 March

The list of potential garden pages for consideration can be long. A alphabetical list of these pages can be created on request, press `do content` *think of better button label*.

The usual `shift + hover` will align the item with its source on the garden building page.

Duplicates are not removed.

23 March

Have added a synopsis paragraph to the list of potential garden pages.

diff start-garden.html <(curl -s