We can grab the dot representation of a graph out of the Solo Collaborator using the javascript console REPL. We show this first, as is, and then with tweaks to make the node titles proper page names.
digraph { overlap = false; splines=true layout = dot; node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold penwidth=2] 3 node [fillcolor=palegreen penwidth=1] 0 [label="Recursive Patterning" tooltip="name: Recursive Patterning"] 1 [label="Iterative Patterning and REPL" tooltip="name: Iterative Patterning and REPL"] 2 [label="Epistemic Patterning as Recursive and Emergent Patterning" tooltip="name: Epistemic Patterning as Recursive and Emergent Patterning"] 3 [label="REPL and Emergent Potential" tooltip="name: REPL and Emergent Potential"] 4 [label="Recursive Practices" tooltip="name: Recursive Practices"] 1->2 [label="" labeltooltip="source: 10/19/2023.2"] 1->0 [label="" labeltooltip="source: 10/19/2023.2"] 1->3 [label="" labeltooltip="source: 10/19/2023.2"] 3->4 [label="" labeltooltip="source: 3/23/2023.5"] }