The super collaborator assembled a small handful of graph mechanisms explored first in wiki. Here we borrow a few features from it to make a "mini" collaborator. >> graph share
# Want
Croquet — instantaneous sharing with immediate visibility of graphs as posted to an easily shared model.
Target — with pan and zoom but no extra panels to control what shows.
Merge — with some new way to select from the Beam with some activation from clicks on existing content.
Graphviz — options for layout and colors and maybe more exotic interactions with various hovers.
# System
We will offer several mechanisms providing access to shared content in the collaborator.
digraph Collaborator { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=palegreen] target -> svg browser -> index -> target -> beam browser -> wiki -> frame -> index frame -> html -> script -> beam cron ->shell -> nodejs -> beam shell -> system }
# Modules
We will provide implementations as ES6 modules with a minimum of external dependencies and with the intention that modules will be useful individually.
Beam — the smallest and most portable shared reflector state with hooks for policy implementations that can choose how sychronous they want to be.
Target — screen management that can interpret events sourced from a viewer, the wiki scripts, and/or shell logic. HEIGHT 200
# Events
The Beam is the only module shared via the croquet reflector network. All Beam modifications are delivered by sending events through that network.
The Target listens for changes to the Beam. Changes of substance should be made at least in part visible immediately.
digraph Collaborator { rankdir=LR node [shape=point] 1;2;3;4;5 node [shape=oval style=filled fillcolor=palegreen] a [label=Alpha] b [label=Beta fillcolor=gold] 1 -> a 2 -> a 3 -> b a -> 4 a -> 5 b -> a }
Here new graph includes node Beta that merges with elided input to Alpha and introduces additional elided input of its own.
# Curiosity
Croquet's microverse allows viewing of one space from another. Might we thus project our Beam into a Wonder Room?