Graph Workflow Overview

We have created 30 experiments building and using property graphs on wiki pages. We're beginning to see complementary workflows building on the work so far.

We began by integrating the mock data that started this project and querying it with ad hoc javascript code (pink)

We became more systematic in how we manipulated nodes and relations as we prepared to construct a Graph object module. (blue)

digraph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=pink] 4 [label="Mock\nGraph\nData"] 5 [label="Count\nMock\nElements"] 6 [label="Search\nMock\nElementts"] 7 [label="Transform\nto Nodes\nand Rels"] 8 [label="Match\nNodes\nand Rels"] 9 [label="Cypher\nMacros"] 10 [label="Fluent\nMacros"] node [fillcolor=lightblue] 11 [label="Asset\nLinks"] 12 [label="Graph\nNavigator"] 13 [label="Graph\nViewer"] 14 [label="Fork\nNetwork\nGraph"] 15 [label="Fork\nNetwork\nRoundabout"] 16 [label="Graph\nExtractor"] 4->5 [label="*.json"] 5->6 [label="raw.json"] 4->7 [label="*.json"] 7->8 [label="graph.json"] 7->9 [label="graph.json"] 7->10 [label="graph.json"] 11->12 [label="[graph]"] 11->13 [label="[graph]"] 14->15 [label="forks.json"] 14->11 [label="forks.json"] 7->11 [label="graph.json"] 11->16 [label="[graph]"] }

We began working a level up once we introduced the notion of a guiding scheme, itself implemented as a property graph. (green)

digraph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=palegreen] 1 [label="Navigator\nSchema"] 2 [label="Subgraph\nCreator"] 3 [label="Composite\nGraph"] 17 [label="Daily\nHaiku\nGraph"] 18 [label="Stock\nand\nFlow"] 19 [label="Stock\nand\nFlow\nSimulator"] 20 [label="Rabbit\nBreeding"] 21 [label="Learning\nNavigation\nSchema"] 22 [label="SigMod\nExample\nUnbound"] 23 [label="Food Web\nUnbound"] 24 [label="Mock\nEl Dorado"] 1->2 [label="*.schema.json"] 2->3 [label="*.graph.json"] 22->3 [label="*.graph.json"] 23->22 [style=dashed] 3->24 [label="graph.json"] 1->17 [label="community.\nschema.json"] 1->18 [label="stock.\nschema.json"] 18->19 [label="*.graph.json"] 18->20 [style=dashed] 1->21 [label="sapience.\nschema.json"] }

Looking ahead, we see a suite of operations joined by shared graph fragments shared within a community and curated to produce useful information artifacts.

digraph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] schema -> create -> composite import -> composite revise [fillcolor=white] composite -> revise -> composite freeform -> composite revise -> output revise -> query -> diagram export [fillcolor=white] query -> export revise -> simulate -> animate }

We have experience in all but the operations shown in white. We don't expect these to be difficult. We know both query and simulation are broad subject with lots of prior art. We will configure solutions here to be flexible.