Import Thesis

A Study of the Impact of the Designed inGenuity (DiG) Learning Framework on Students in an Ethiopian School.

# Resources

We'll script against the html version but retain the pdf version for reference. github


The html references these images.


The html cites two files we ignore.

New home for this workflow.

# Process

We scan the html for headings, extract the contents between each, then render that with an html plugin on a new page. Click an element number to explore.

Note: we have added a color code indicating the degree of unwinding required for each section to be easily edited within the federation. Expect this to change with progress. HEIGHT 1000


Create a table of contents.

Inject style properties into tables, eg. 379: td { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 4px; text-align:center; } table { border-collapse: collapse; }

Scale image to 100% overriding transforms, eg. 379.

Convert <p> to individual items.

Right-justify quote signatures. How?

Indent block-quotes. How?

Convert citations to external links. Lookup table?

Convert citations to internal links, How? Garden?


Redirect image tags toward image directory, eg. 379.

Remove manual indent in first paragraphs, eg. 332.

Add emphasis to bold type, eg. 306.

# Publication

Remains to be determined.