We're letting Aspects of Recent Changes drive exploration of what we believe will have many other uses. For now we risk becoming too specific.
# change-graphs - provide parameters in the url - provide parameters as an item on the page - script offers a check-list to enable/disable parameter - parameter for interval size, currently only weeks - parameter for duration graphed, currently only weeks - parameter for time/day of new interval - option to isolate or not isolate clusters - some feedback as run for diagnosing problems - consider markov blankets somehow
# solo-collaborator - hover to recommend graphs specific to one node - mechanism to selectively cluster specific graphs - click to open page, possibly in the graph, in a new tab, or in the active lineup - shift-click to select one graph and unselect all others - browser history to move through selections - permalink to share for a particular selection - highlight nodes just added
# wiki-plugin-solo - read pages of graph-source written in freeform - read all json formats from links and assets - create a family of driver trees from one cld - read and emit graphs as items on new pages - shift open to have separate popups