Having developed the Graphviz algorithmic drawings for the npl.wiki site we want to see the same information in the super collaborator. Hence a new scrape from deno. github open
We use this schema to organize pages. example
digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=white] Chapters [label="Chapters × 3"] node [fillcolor=palegreen] Chapters -> Sections [label="× 5 or 10"] Sections -> Patterns [label="has × 4"] Patterns -> Uplinks [label=first] Patterns -> Downlinks [label=then] }
See Informal Growth Patterns sample cluster.
We build this visualization with many steps and resources.
digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=lightblue] jsonl [label="npl.jsonl"] js [label="extract.js"] colors [label="Pattern Colors\ngraph.json"] spring [label="Spring Layout\ngraph.json"] node [fillcolor=bisque] wiki [label="npl.wiki"] solo [label="Solo Super\nCollaborator"] pragma [label="Graphviz\nEmphasis\nNode"] engine [label="Graphviz\nLayout\nEngines"] wiki -> js [label=fetch] deno -> js [label=run] js ->jsonl [label=upload] jsonl -> solo [label=read] pragma -> colors [label=upload] engine -> spring [label=upload] colors -> solo [label=assets] spring -> solo [label=assets] }