I’ve now looked at three or four reimplementation of the World3 model. People turn to that model to show off what their simulators can do. I was similarly motivated thinking it couldn’t be too hard if it was run in the ‘70s. But the subliminal message in all of these models is the same: "the world doesn’t work the way you think it does, let me show you what happens next."
If I got the World3 model working in wiki, and sliders moved lines around. Will I have contributed to anyone’s understanding of the World3 model? I think not.
digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] rankdir=LR node [fillcolor=lightgreen] 0 [label="Person Modeler" ] 1 [label="Action Adjustment" ] 2 [label="Ideal Insight" ] 3 [label="Org Revision" penwidth=3] 4 [label="Person Community" ] 0->1 [label="Performs" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 1->2 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 2->3 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] 4->3 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="modeler.graph.json"] }
Better to go after the mystery directly. Take it apart with each part on a single page. Play with the pages until any mystery is gone. Then line up a few pages, then a few more. Intuition will come slowly but it will come.