Refining a Complicated Diagram

This is a sample Query Refinement

Am I doing this right? I believe this query shows all of the Architects, plus their management chain: ... Yes, that looks right. I changed the table column heading TPM ⇒ Architect but that doesn't change the diagram. ... This is using info from Workday and Team Store. El Dorado is current with both sources. Workday is more reliably up to date than Team Store so if something looks wrong it might be an Engineering Manager being slow to enter changes. Now that privileges are derived from Team Store there are rules as to who can change entries. Good catch on the column name, I had focused on the diagram output. I'm curious why Guy and Pez don't show as reporting to Bill in that diagram. I could investigate. But it is probably because the query starts with a team and then works its way up a fixed distance. We could ask neo4j to trace the path all the way to the top but then the results come out as an array instead of discrete values. We have b for boss and bb for big boss so it is easy to map those to specific columns/relations. I figured it out. There is a different graph I'd like to make now though. Do you remember my old Management vs Architecture structure charts? All the data is here, but cypher is kicking my butt. I don't remember the charts. But I do enjoy a query challenge. Similar to the above chart, but I want to see both the engineering manager AND the Architect, in different colors. Then followed by their reporting structure. The chart I did with emergency room traffic did roll all the way up using the path array logic so I know where to look for hints. Here I add Engineering Manager for each team in gold. If someone could be gold and green, the gold wins. If someone high up turns gold unexpectedly, they are Engineering Manager for something. ... This chart is already getting confusing with lines running long ways and turning into little rivers of lines that are hard to trace. I haven't yet add boss and big boss for Engineering Manager. That could just clutter it up more. Do you think this is in the right direction? ... Here I added one level up for Engineering Manager to the next level manager. This seems to connect well with the hierarchy we are already drawing so don't need to look higher. ... Only change here is that clicking on a Team shows Leadership and Membership. ...