Refining Team Contacts

This is a sample Query Refinement

Can you coax the Team Store / El Dorado systems into producing a CSV (for spreadsheet use) showing every team along with their Engineering Manager and Architect? Try this ... Any way to tell which of those are in Product? A Product Team would have a General Manager? Or, a Product Team Engineering Manager would have department and division indicating this in workday? Shall I try both? Yeah. See what you can do. We have enough teams that it is hard for me to just tell anymore. I do have some detailed looks at specific teams named in the url: I'm trying to build a spreadsheet with all the Product teams, their Engineering Manager, and their Architects, in order to contact people about something. Right now there doesn't seem to be a simple list in that shape. Try this ... This query answers only teams that have an Engineering Manager that is in the product division. Nice. It's got some dupes, but I think we can work with that. Here with dups removed: ... Nice as emoticon.