Scriptable iPhone App

My son suggested I use this to upload pictures. I figured out how to reverse geocode myself.

Scriptable is an automation tool that enables you to write scripts that integrates with native features of iOS such as files, calendars, reminders, documents and much more. site

An extensive support for Siri Shortcuts enables you to present images, tables and more in Siri as well as making Siri read out loud a text when you run a script from a Siri Shortcut.

Your scripts can be run from the Scriptable app, from a Siri Shortcut or from other apps using the share sheet extensive or Scriptable’s URL schemes.


Photo to 3d.local

let photo = await Photos.fromCamera() let req = new Request("") req.addImageToMultipart(photo, "test", "testt") req.allowInsecureRequest = true req.method = "POST" let res = await req.load()

Where Am I

let loc = await Location.current() let obj = await Location.reverseGeocode( loc.latitude, loc.longitude, null) Speech.speak(JSON.stringify(obj))

Photo to Wiki

let pix = await Photos.fromCamera() let loc = await Location.current() let now = new Date().toLocaleString() let geo = await Location.reverseGeocode( loc.latitude, loc.longitude, null) let req = new Request( "") req.addParameterToMultipart( 'json', JSON.stringify({loc,now,geo})) req.addImageToMultipart(pix, "upload", "upload.jpg") req.allowInsecureRequest = true req.method = "POST" let res = await req.loadString() Speech.speak(res)


Deno support for multipart posts. oak x

Automator's Scriptables section. page

How to Flexbox. mozilla
