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We have been intrigued by Whitehead's coining of the word 'creativity'. We had assumed that this was a word with a long heritage, not one of fairly recent invention.
Creativity needs space.
At the core of Alan Kay's mission to re-imagine the computing experience was a concept he learned from Seymour Papert who was a pioneer in exploring, what he called, the "human-computer symbiosis" - a term coined by J. C. R. Licklider
In our Valley Innovate gathering last Monday night, the idea of the inverted creativity triangle came up. Our current paradigm is that creativity flows from the top, down through an organization. The lowest levels of an organization are, by implication, the least creative.
Organisms small and large learn by building a model of the world around them then testing that model against what they see and adjusting accordingly. We'll call this a learning loop. We identify three era in computing based on the nature of this loop and the kind of feedback learning that they support.
Organisms small and large learn by building a model of the world around them then testing that model against what they see and adjusting accordingly. We'll call this a learning loop. We identify three era in computing based on the nature of this loop and the kind of feedback learning that they support.
In two hours Thompson and I discussed a broad range of conversations. We would like to understand how we progress from one to another
Importance of believing in one greatness
I have been pondering lately the importance of celebration.
The Spirit of Agile was defined in the Agile Manifesto and amplified in its 12 Principles
We enter the world as a helpless babies. Our moment of utmost vulnerability. But also our moment of greatest potential.
In Aristotle's trivium of human potential, there is _theoria_, _praxis_ and _poiesis_. We might translate these Latin words to imagination, process and creativity.
We are always looking for Prime Patterns. Sensing these patterns allows us to understand complexity in a way that we can share the richness of this meaning with others.
An individual's Flow State happens in a learning process when the rate of creativity is exponentially accelerated.
As we seek to understand Whitehead, we begin to collect artifacts – what he might call "stubborn facts" – that might illuminate his philosophy.
# Ethics = Creating
Explore the difference between convergent and divergent
thinking. Reference Being Creative Inside and Outside the Classroom
Talk about divergent thinking as "garden-variety creativity".
We now recognize that develop to our full potential as learners we must first nurture learning capacity.
Another term we used when describing this experiment also resonated with us. It expressed a deeply rooted intention we owned in our hearts and ardently proclaimed to others. One that felt radical and liberating. It was "unleashing creative genius".
Aristotle believed that humanity was comprised of three experiences: theoria, praxis, and poiesis. He believed we must live into all three experiences to fulfill our human potential.
We learn for a purpose. But there are different types of motivators.
Our lives are often filled with 'busy work' to manage the world around us in order to maintain a semblance of order. But this work is often done in reaction to others and leaves our spirit feeling depleted.
We seek true nature.
We pause to consider _Wiki Nature_, a concept mentioned in passing, but one that speaks to a deeper truth of the creative process.
When we talk talk about Agile, we are often talking about the form of Agile. That is, the practices that are used to manage an Agile process. Most common of these are Scrum, but others include Kanban, Srumban (a combination of Scrum and Kanban) and XP.
We think of those times of creativity, walking into the White Space of our imagination.
We are noticing that there are two spaces of emergence in the creative cycle. These creative cycles, we now suspect, hold the essence of Learning Cycles.
In order to fully engage students as authors of their own learning journey, there must not only be purpose, a reason for the learning, but also motivation. That emotion which ignites action.
We continue to explore the different aspects of wholeness. We have touched on the Importance of Wholeness and Crafting Wholeness. We have also referred to wholeness when talking about the Essence of Quality.
Here I quote my own introduction to the "learning from incidents" folk with whom I will share a panel.
It is easier to get a creative person to explain their creativity in the context of an actual creative event. Describe the kind of creativity that interests you then seise from their recollections the event most likely to touch your interests.
By nature, the Cartesian Mindset is reductionist and deterministic. It is also linear.
1927 was an important year.
As we see the learning framework of DIGs – which we beginning to recognize as a more universal process framework – supercharge the intention of inquiry-based learning, we are begin to sense the possibility of new complex systems emerging, that which we now are calling _systems of creative co-creation_.
Being in the Flow State of Agile is a joyful experience. It's challenging, but it vitalizes us - leaves us with more energy than less. Because it excites our Curiosity, it almost becomes addictive.
We begin to ponder the life giving energy that flows through vital systems. Systems that are not only complex but also are adaptive – what we call adaptive complex systems.
Makers and Managers think differently about time. Let's think about how their work differs and why time takes on unique characteristics for each.
We are beginning to explore practices that hold the potential of releasing new creativity.
Creativity happens at the intersection of the world that is and the world that could be
Ecotones are not just areas of tension, but of potential. In the stress and of these overlapping areas, there is the possibility of new creation. Teleb calls this a state of Antifragility where stress is strengthening. Adaptation happens in this zone. They are inherently Disentropic.
There are two important concepts of Taoism that help shed light on Whitehead: taiji and wuji.
To Lew Cirne: I want to let you know I am all in on this breakthrough opportunity for interactive observability as I demonstrate in this video.
Ward and I are very different people. He is, by nature, an engineer. I am wired more like a philosopher.
Computer programmers, and the people they serve, produce better results when they work at the edge of their creative ability. Here we consider how to find that edge.
Alan Kay drew inspiration from his ramblings through his personal Ideaspace, a term coined by Carver Mead
Innovate Oregon is creating an ecotone between industry and education. An example of this type of ecotone is the Agile Partnership Program.
We continue to ponder the importance of 'white space', that space of potential.
We continue to ponder the importance of 'free space', that space of potential, that space long recognized by Taoist and Buddhists as 'wu wei'.
We remain excited about this platform and have become increasingly confident that it embodies important new ideas. We will explain.
Recently John Bywater opened the door to Whitehead. That feels like the missing key that has unlocked much of which I have sought to understand as I have tried to share the essence of Agile with others, particularly those seeking to reimagine education.
We think about cycles as waves. We know this about waves:
With Markov Blankets we begin to find convergence between the ideas of Piaget, Koestler and others. Indeed, in these overlaps, Third Spaces are created, places where adaptive creativity flows.
Descartes claimed that our soul was held within a small gland in our brain, the pineal gland. It was through this gland that we were directly connected to the divine.
One valuable way to think of schema is as our personal pattern language of meaning. It is how we make sense of our personal experiences to shape our current understand of the world.
We are grappling with finding new language around this experience of awakened wonder that happens during a DIG. An experience whose reality is become apparent as it continues to be experienced – made real – with others, something we now recognize is an emerging Ontic Form.
David Bohm sought to understand an underlying reality that held, as one, 'energy', 'matter', and 'meaning'.
A story of the Grand Canyon.
Some things break flow and thereby create Tempo Interruptions.
A story of the Grand Canyon.
As human beings, we have two core needs: to belong and to create. Deny these, and we lose who we are and what we can become.
In a paper by Takashi Iba, he explores an essential part of the process he uses in the development of new pattern languages – a practice that is called "clustering". This practice was developed by Jiro Kawakita, a Japanese anthropologist.
'Concrescence' is the name for the process in which the universe of many things acquires an individual unity in a determinate relegation of each item of the 'many' to its subordination in the constitution of the novel 'one/
We acknowledge that what we are exploring is more than a 'mindset'. Indeed, it is more than a 'consciousness'. It is, in fact, a new understanding of being, the very nature of reality.
Frederic Laloux, in his book _Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness_ defines different types of organizations over history.
We reflect on 1995 – 25 years in the past.
Hegel was the first to explain this dynamic. It has become known as the Hegelian Dialectic .
Shame is very effective for society or organizational control, but it destroys the potential for creativity.
School open houses. Many of us have been to them. It's a time to talk to your children's teachers and to be reassured that your kids are in good hands.
He developed Smalltalk with the hope that it might lead software developers to this new level of thought – one which is spatial by nature – a language which then inspired Ward to develop the fed wiki. A level of thought that we sensed shaped a new consciousness – what we began to call a Metanoietic Consciousness – one capable of empowered reimagination.
Much like we had to grapple with Whitehead's language, we must grapple with Friston's.
Smalltalk is a learning language developed in the 1970's by a team headed by Alan Kay .
There is no single point that one can claim as the unique origin for any story. So it is with the story of the agile mindset. But let us start with a heated argument between two mathematicians in the mid-19th century.
We typically think of genius as referring to people who are deemed by society as highly intelligent. They are set apart from the rest of us "normal" people.
Smalltalk is a programming language initially developed in the 1970’s by a team headed by Alan Kay.
In a recent study from Harvard, neuroscientists identified the correlation between highly creative work and the utilization of all three primary networks in the brain: the default network, the executive network and the salience network. The Whole Mind.
We typically think of genius as referring to people who are deemed by society as highly intelligent. They are set apart from the rest of us "normal" people.
In a recent study from Harvard, neuroscientists identified the correlation between highly creative work and the utilization of all three primary networks in the brain: the default network, the executive network and the salience network. The Whole Mind.
Here are my journal entries that is my Learning Journal in this process of re-imagining education.
Extreme Programming (xp) prescribes a dozen practices that reinforce each other so as to allow teams to make software development decisions. We examine the distribution of responsibilities required for, and means to arrive at, good decisions within this framework.
__Christopher Wolfgang Alexander__ (born 4 October 1936 in Vienna, Austria) is a widely influential architect and design theorist, and currently Professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley. His theories about the nature of human-centered design have affected fields beyond architecture, including urban design, software, sociology and others. Alexander has designed and personally built over 100 buildings, both as an architect and a general contractor - [ wikiped
We have noticed that there is a long-standing debate in education that underpins many discussions. This debate seeks to define the pedagogical model that is best suited for teaching our students.
When I met with Jenny earlier this week, I shared with her that seeing her Genius Hour class the previous week was the catalyst for me to finally start writing the book. I have long known that there was a story to be told and have been writing for almost a year, but the story arc was not clear to me. A book has to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. I knew the beginning, I just didn't know the end point of that arc.
What I love about Jami is that she is fearless. She challenges everyone around her to go to courageously into the unknown. Including me.
Ward shared with me the other day work he has been doing to create semilattices in the wiki. One was for a talk on pattern languages that he did for an architectural group called PUARL
. One of the primary objectives of this meeting was to explore the future of pattern languages:
Here, in the Pacific Northwest, we are tree people. Either by birth or by choice.
Two decades ago a small group met to share what they felt was new about how they developed software. Their operational observations were expressed as unexpected preferences and collectively dubbed "agile". The word stuck. But we might ask, what lead them to this unusual agreement?
The Second World War was over. Vannevar Bush, who had led the scientific communities efforts to support this effort now had time to reimagine, looking now to a new future.
I suggested that Thompson join me and metaphorically Rake in the Field of computer programming.
I suggested that Thompson join me and metaphorically Rake in the Field of computer programming.
Here is where I am exploring different ideas that have yet to find their place within a tapestry of patterns. They are concepts that I am beginning to explore. Incomplete and emerging.
Our dreams for this technology are pulled in different directions by competing traditions as to what we put into computers and what we expect to happen there. Hypertext straddles this division and is thus able to go either way. But or dreams are most likely aligned with one or the other.
Trying to find broader structure in the pages Thompson has written in the last nine months.
Our dreams for this technology are pulled in different directions by competing traditions as to what we put into computers and what we expect to happen there. Hypertext straddles this division and is thus able to go either way. But our dreams are most likely aligned with one or the other.
[361] A 'simple physical feeling' entertained in one subject is a feeling for which the initial datum is another single actual entity, and the objective datum is another feeling entertained by the latter actual entity.