Solo Reads and Writes

As a single file html scrip the solo graph drawing program offers various ways to move data into and out of the app at startup or while in operation.

# Parameters

On startup the script reads the query parameters and loads graphs from each in order. Parameter names can be duplicated when the same method is applied to distinct sources.

__read = graph-url__

A text file is fetched from the remote file containing multiple graphs in jsonl format. See example fetching multiple files. open

__add = url-encoded-json__

A string containing multiple graphs as if it were read from a .jsonl file is encoded in base64 and included in the url that launches solo. See example with parameter. open


__scan = page-url__

A file containing wiki page json is fetched and then it's story scanned for items with a .graph property each representing a named graph. See example with graph on a page. open

{name:string, graph:{nodes:[...], rels:[...]}}

__assets = page-url__

A file containing wiki page json is fetched and then it's story scanned for Assets items in .graph.json format and with that suffix. See example with graphs collected in an assets folder. open

# Drag and Drop

One can drag and drop files to the open solo app.

Drop .graph.json files for individual graphs or drop .jsonl files where each file has a collection of graphs.

drop here to save graphs for later
drop here to see
graphs immediately

# Buttons

Look to the bottom for additional links and buttons.

Create a new graph from the nodes visible after zooming the diagram to the right.

Download to a local file the graph recently displayed.

# Messaging

Our intention is to establish two-way messaging between apps in need of more screen space or interaction dynamics with solo as experimental candidate.