Q: Any idea why this fails to render correctly when pasted into Graphviz plugin? matrix
Graph that works in Edotor fails in wiki.
A: Change all "Node" to lower case "node".
The Edotor app accepts only lower case when syntax highlighting but invokes a version of graphviz that accepts a wide variety of capitalizations as keyword. edotor
digraph { layout=dot; overlap = false; splines=true rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=none] "SOCIAL" -> "INFRASTRUCTURE" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "HEALTH" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "SAFETY" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "SOCIAL" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "ENERGY" "SOCIAL" -> "SAFETY" "SOCIAL" -> "HEALTH" "SOCIAL" -> "ENERGY" node [style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "SOCIAL" -> "Community\nCommons" "SOCIAL" -> "Social\nServices\nand\nCare" "SOCIAL" -> "Gov\nMgmt" "SOCIAL" -> "Education\nDevelopment" "SOCIAL" -> "Jobs" node [style=filled fillcolor=pink] "HEALTH" -> "Housing" "HEALTH" -> "Hygiene\nPrevention" "HEALTH" -> "Behavioral\nHealth" "HEALTH" -> "Medical\nServices" node [style=filled fillcolor=orange] "SAFETY" -> "Shelter\nEvacuation" "SAFETY" -> "Emergency\nManagement" "SAFETY" -> "Climate" "SAFETY" -> "Environment\n" "SAFETY" -> "Security" node [style=filled fillcolor=yellow] "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Food" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Water" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Garbage" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Sewer" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Supply" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Agriculture" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Information" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Communication" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Transportation" "INFRASTRUCTURE" -> "Land" node [style=filled fillcolor=green] "ENERGY" -> "Net\nZero\nEnergy" "ENERGY" -> "Electric\nGas" "ENERGY" -> "Temperature" }
The grammar for the dot language shows the "node" keyword in lower case but notes otherwise later in the spec. graphviz
> The keywords node, edge, graph, digraph, subgraph, and strict are case-independent.
The version of graphviz in the wiki plugin is not so tolerant.