To Abstraction of Method

digraph { rankdir=TB node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "dojo practice yearbooks" [fillcolor=palegreen] "dojo practices 2020" [fillcolor=palegreen] "whos work is this really" [fillcolor=palegreen] "structured discourse" [fillcolor=palegreen] "json schema" [fillcolor=palegreen] "abstraction of method" [fillcolor=palegreen] "dojo practice yearbooks" -> "dojo practices 2020" "dojo practices 2020" -> "whos work is this really" "whos work is this really" -> "structured discourse" "structured discourse" -> "evolution of the topic structure" "structured discourse" -> "the problem domain" "structured discourse" -> "json schema" "evolution of the topic structure" -> "memory effects" "evolution of the topic structure" -> "supplemental objects" "evolution of the topic structure" -> "path of interest" "memory effects" -> "time to live" "path of interest" -> "restructuring the tree" "path of interest" -> "unrestricted order" "the problem domain" -> "structural assistant" "the problem domain" -> "electronic discourse" "structural assistant" -> "memory effects" "structural assistant" -> "information load" "structural assistant" -> "sense of consensus" "memory effects" -> "time to live" "electronic discourse" -> "first generation applications" "electronic discourse" -> "moderator supervision" "json schema" -> "abstraction of method" }