Typescript Locator

We'd like to locate conversations based on information extracted into indexes of various kinds. Here we setup a test case and then try automating it with an html script.

# Challenge

Tip: Open these two pages in this lineup then shift-hover over the quoted text to scroll to the desired locations.

Keyword Index. See Typescript 2023-09-10

Here we see in a KWIC index mention of an attractor.

10:56:46 you're building an [attractor](/view/10:56:46) to get them

Text extraction. See Typescript Archive

Now how can we find the surrounding conversation?

10:55:49 From Jeff Miller okay here's one "Treasure Island" as a poster https://cdn.thearthunters.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/0815-800x1155.jpg "With every step, you're building an attractor to get them to the next step. You want to get people from the problem to the solution, via drawing them in with a story and art."

# Solution

Maybe we somehow invoke a script with the index timestamp and use that to find the desired text as we have in the example above.
