There are many ways that wine, a product of the earth, can be distinctive and worth remembering. A book for tasting notes will have blank pages for memory enhancing labels. This is a way to remove labels without damage.
The glue that holds the label on will "cold flow" when tugged very slowly. I have set empty wine bottles next to an open burner to speed this up. But I have found my toaster oven works much better.
I set the toaster to 200°F for four minutes. Starting cold, that turns into five or six minutes total. enlarge
Start with the small label on the back. If the bottle cools while you practice, warm it up again. enlarge
Use the knife point to separate an entire edge from the bottle by just enough to fit the blade under the whole edge. Use your finger and the adhesion to the blade to pull uniformly across the whole label. enlarge
There will be plenty of adhesive left to keep the label in place in the notebook indefinitely. enlarge
The remaining glue can be removed from the bottle with a hot soapy sponge should you have further plans for the bottle itself. enlarge
The last few inches of label may require patience as the bottle gets cooler. If the label material separates, use the knife point to work that portion back on the blade so that everything is pulled evenly.
I use a convection oven. A microwave oven won't work because it won't heat the glass. I have, however, seen a microwave light an incandescent lightbulb. post