Small scripts have limited power until they fit into a larger workflow expressed in wiki's lineup. We show the breadth of this connectivity.
See Use Case Survey for examples.
digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled] node [fillcolor=bisque] page [label="remote\npage"] federation node [fillcolor=lightblue] {rank=same frame [label="frame\nplugin"] script [label="html\nscript" fillcolor=gold] state [label="active\nstate" fillcolor=gold] federation -> page [dir=back] page -> markup -> frame frame -> script [dir=both] script -> state [dir=none] } frame -> open frame -> create source -> frame context -> frame neighbors -> frame node [fillcolor=palegreen] "graph\nrelations" -> source "map\nmarkers" -> source "map\nregion" -> source "file\nassets" -> source "page\nitems" -> context sites -> neighbors origin -> neighbors open -> "existing\npage" create -> "ghost\npage" create -> "import\npages" node [fillcolor=bisque] "import\nmodules" -> script sitemap -> fetch pages -> fetch internet -> fetch [dir=both] fetch -> script [dir=both] script -> download -> upload }
An html script (yellow) interacts with the world (tan) through the frame plugin (blue) and the access it provides to the lineup (green).
Nodes for which we lack example use cases.
0: "federation" 1: "graph-relations" 2: "import-pages" 3: "internet" 4: "sites"