Why do we need sleep? In the search for answers, scientists have uncovered more thought-provoking mysteries central to what sleep is, how it evolved and the benefits that it provides. post podcast
We all know that we need sleep to be at our best. But profound sleep loss has more serious and immediate effects: Animals completely deprived of sleep die. Yet scientists have found it oddly hard to say exactly why sleep loss is lethal. post
From Daily Haiku Graph
digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] rankdir=LR 0 node [fillcolor=lightgreen] 0 [label="Org Life"] 1 [label="Action Hunts"] 2 [label="Ideal Eat"] 3 [label="Org Gut"] 4 [label="Action Digest"] 5 [label="Ideal Growth"] 6 [label="Action Sleep" penwidth=3] 7 [label="Ideal Safety"] 0->1 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 1->2 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 2->3 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 3->4 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 4->5 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 3->6 [label="Facilitates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 6->7 [label="Serves" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] 7->0 [label="Motivates" labeltooltip="life.graph.json"] }
As the masses worry about artificial intelligence I suggest they worry instead about artificial digestion. When the bots start eating each other and everything else, then we worry. In this light it is good to think about our own digestion and how it starts at the dinner table.