We've created several drawing mechanisms that add diagrams to wiki. But like the photograph of thing we are separated from the thing itself. Now we wonder, can we add property graphs to pages independent of any rendering? And will these structures have meaning.
Instantiating the Learning Navigation Schema
digraph { node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] rankdir=LR node [fillcolor=lightgreen] 0 [label="Model Nodules" ] 1 [label="Experiment Property Graphs" penwidth=3] 2 [label="Intention Systems" ] 3 [label="Person Learner" ] 1->0 [label="Unfolds" labeltooltip="nodules.graph.json"] 2->1 [label="Inspires" labeltooltip="nodules.graph.json"] 3->2 [label="Seeks" labeltooltip="nodules.graph.json"] }
Our exploration began with mock data that described four aspects of a system. From this start we have grown in many ways. See Mock Graph Data