Story Telling Punch List

As we near the conclusion of an epic coding journey we bask in the top to bottom rewrite while acknowledging that there are many little things we have omitted from earlier methods or mistakes that missed our notice.

See Story Telling where the print sequence starts.

See Story Telling Workflow where we explain it.

See Garden Grooming Notes collected by Paul.

The little things done or still to do.


Unwanted whitespace after markdown. github

Change garden fold to told. github

Remove duplicates from the garden print. github

Report sites duplicating pages. github

Enlarge the Frames so dots show. github

Generate garden contents. github


Check the page, word and link counts for consistency. See Word Count Check

Generate detailed contents for stories and garden.

Suppress linking omits from the garden.

Suppress linking About pages unless forked.

Suppress linking of non-extant titles.

Report use of unsupported plugins.

Diagram path to shared pages.

Test that all scripts work when remote.

Assemble and document kit and quick start.

Selectively insert page breaks.

Generate and convert diagrams to png.

Construct book site by forking all published pages.


We wanted to have more correspondence between the lamination pages and the javascript code that reads and writes them. One confusion arose when we were reading one page and writing another.

We introduced pagefolds and made their names present in a data structure, called folds, available throughout the script. Near the end of the script where we are handling the "print this" button, we retrieve the established garden and the remaining garden pages that had been opened up for more, if wanted.

let garden = [, ...folds.more.filter(item => item.type=='paragraph' && ]

See where we say and folds.more to retrieve these two sections. The ... operator unwinds these items as if they had been typed individually.

The statements says, let the printed garden be an array containing each of the followed by each of the folds.more with the condition that we filter out of the more fold those check-box offers to go further.

In the next statement we alphabetize the garden and then after that we print all of its contents as a new section of the book.

The github commit shows these statements. They are still loaded with programming notation but that just manipulates the abstractions, like pagefolds, that we have had in wiki since its beginning. github